Wednesday, March 14, 2018

An Overview of Websites

Today, every business, institution or organization owns a website. Long gone are the days when information could only be accessed through hard copy papers. The internet has brought about a shift from industrial economy to a technology based economy. This has led to a tremendous shift from physical transaction to virtual environment. You no longer have to post news in the daily newspaper but have it posted via an online repository. All this has been brought by innovative technology that led to the acceptance of websites as an interactive source of virtual library. One can access shadow pro or any piece of content from wherever he/she is by a click of a mouse button. This has cut the gap between information sender and receiver.

Have you ever asked yourself where these sites come from? The development of a website requires skilled personnel who has vast knowledge in IT field. Web design involves programming sets of instructions through a development kit and then feeding the codes into a computer that interprets it. Computers do understand these codes and are able to give out the results. .Building a website requires an editor such as Notepad++,programming language like PHP and HTML and a local server. A programmer then starts coding from scratch and from this framework; a complete site can be complete after some days depending on experience of the developer. The first websites were developed by professional who were very few. Today, a person can take a couple of days before he or she becomes a web developer. It is foreseen that in the near feature everyone should be able to have his/her own site and manage it with ease.

Don’t forget that rapid development of a site can be achieved by using customized applications. A web design can be achieved in minutes through the help of builders such as WordPress and Joomla. It utilizes a wizard that guides you through the basic steps of site creation.

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